I am still on my fitness journey. It's a process. The mental struggle is the worst part for me. Any time I am challenged mentally or emotionally I want to eat.
I could be full and should something unfavorable happen I run to the fridge. So, my question to myself is... how do I break that habit.
The saying goes, You can't out run your fork. So, what do I do? Right now i am at a loss. I have no earthly idea what to do. I could try will power but being in a compromised emotional state the chance of that working is slim to none.
I could stand to eliminate some stress but... how.
As it stands I am under a great deal of stress and for whatever reason I add different kinds of stress to take my mind off other stressful things in my life. But never eliminate anything. This year I MUST learn to say no without explanation. Whether I truly have a "good" reason for not being able to do something or simply don't want to do it, I need to be able to feel free enough to make the decision.
I guess that's also part of my problem. I feel bound by a lot of things. But I also feel like it's necessary bondage. I mean, if I don't mother my children, who will? I'm sure there are plenty of moms in the world that would jump at the chance but I want to be a great mom to my own kids. A great wife to my own husband.
So, what do I change? What do I delegate and to whom? I don't have a bad life. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I just feel a little lost in it right now. Like there is a lot going on and nothing going on all at once and I am spinning around in circles but nothing is getting done. I run out of energy too fast or one project leads to several others and I just can't catch up.
One day, I would like to be all caught up on my housework. I want to know what that feels like. What's it like to have all the laundry done? No dishes in the sink? No filth to be found anywhere?
Fact of the matter is, I may not find out until my children are grown with kids of their own. hahahaha. And, you know what... that's perfectly alright.
Life isn't perfect. I'm not perfect. and that's ok.
to be continued..... I have to tell you all about the new business I started. I know. I know... more stress. But this is fun stress!