I was looking at some of my childhood photos and thought...
"I ate like a baby horse but was never fat." Then I started asking myself what changed. While I am completely aware that as we get older our metabolism fluctuates, and slows down, life happens, there a body changes, etc... I can't help but wonder... What did I do differently then that I can incorporate into my life today?
EUREKA!!! I've got it!!
When I was a kid I spent an obscene amount of time outside. I played tag, climbed trees, swung on monkey bars, etc. It was a total blast!
My favorite thing to do was race across the monkey bars and to flips over the uneven bars. Now, when my kids ask if we can go outside I have to weigh it against my chore list to see if there is time. But, today that changes!
Today, I will play. I will put on my sneakers and a warm sweater and my kids and I will play until sundown.
There are several playgrounds around here and we have our favorite. We can even take Jada our dog. She would love running free in the nearby field. This will be an epic day.
Imagine the amount of calories you could burn just playing with your kids outside. I believe it is time we unplug a bit and stop being available to everyone. Sometimes we just need to be available to our children only.
I never leave home without my cellphone. It is almost always within arm's reach and I don't know about you but I am sick of it. I don't need to be on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram all day long.
I ask myself, is it more meaningful to be in the moment with my children or capturing it from behind the camera? I say, BE IN THE MOMENT. I don't want to be absent from the memories I am trying to create with my kids. I want to be present.
Part of me wishes I could hire a photographer and have them follow us all day and just capture moments as they happen. I just might.
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