When beginning a total wellness overhaul it is most important to know perfection is not the goal. A lot of the time we fail at reaching our fitness goals because we try to be too perfect from the start. We go online or stay awake late to catch a fitness infomercial, order the best diet or meal plan we see only to let it collect dust on the shelf after a week. Why??? Because we want to be perfect out the gate!
That is not fair to us nor our beloved families who patiently put up with our "crazy."
The trick is to allow ourselves time to build up to the level we believe we should be performing. We did not get out of shape overnight and there is no magic pill or potion that will get us into shape overnight. Only patience and consistence will yield the results we seek.
So what kind of small, seemingly insignificant changes can we make daily that require the least effort or thought?
I'm glad you asked.
1. Get More sleep. Many of us have DVR and can record our beloved shows. Miss them this week and sleep instead. Your body will thank you.
2. Have at least one clean meal per day. This can be anything from a few carrots for snack to a large salad and 16 oz of water for lunch.
3. Look on line for recipes of healthier versions of your favorite foods and TRY ONE. Here's one of my favorites.
4. Drink one extra bottle of water before bed. Studies have shown that drinking a bottle of water before bed significantly reduces the threat of heart attack and stroke! So drink up!
If you implement these four small changes to your daily life to begin you will begin to feel better and eventually see the change you seek represented on the scale and in the mirror. Remember this is a journey and not a race. Perfection is an illusion. Progress is real, tangible, and most importantly trackable!
If you found this post helpful please share it. Connect with me via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I would love to get to know you better! And if you need coaching help scroll to the bottom of this post and sign up for my 100% FREE fitness coaching. It would be my pleasure to help. Til next post. Stay focused!
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