Friday, January 8, 2016

Struggling with fitting a healthy diet and exercise regimen into your daily life??? Find the EASY solution here in this blog!

If I took the time to think about all that I do on a daily basis as a stay at home mom running a business I would probably cry. Honestly! When I worked outside the home I was typical. I dreaded Mondays and praised Fridays. I met up with a few co workers for drinks and dinner on occasion without a care in the world. And I had the thought, If I could stay at home it wold be so ch easier."
After I had my first daughter who is 6 now everything changed. I longed to stay home with her. But, I was having the worst time adjusting. My house was a mess (by my standard), I kept my hair in a ponytail, wore the only pants that would fit me daily with the  few shirts that fit, and makeup became a luxury item I fell way out of touch with. I was a mom, right? I had settled into the belief that living the stereotype was inevitable so, why fight it? I had no time. And if I did have time it certainly was not free! Afterall... whatever "spare" or "free" time I thought I had was spent catching up on mch needed sleep.
I chose to nurse my daughter  and did so for ten months before she weaned herself. In the course of those ten months I learned how to manage my time as a stay at home mom. I watched videos on how to organize everything from my kitchen cabinets to my closet. I took things one day at a time; one project at a time; until I saw the results I wanted.
The way I was going I really didn't have time because I wasn't managing it correctly. But once I learned and implemented a plan I finally decided to begin my fitness journey.  I found that I had 2 whole hours per day to dedicate to whatever edified me. I did not want to spend 2 hours working out however. I wanted to do a lot with that time. So I created a few to do lists.Screen Shot 2015-12-24 at 5.01.31 PM
The first list was my master list. It was a compilation of everything I wanted to do in a given month. I wrote my goals, big and small, on that list. Then I prioritized that list into smaller, more manageable lists.  I took those lists and kept them on my desk  where I referred to them throughout the day. That is what helped me overcome that excuse for remaining unhealthy and equally unhappy.
With my new to do lists being implemented I was able to lose all of the baby weight I gained with my first pregnancy.BEFORE AND AFTER
I had time! I worked out while she napped on the couch. And for the first couple weeks, until I got my stamina up, I would crash right next to her on the floor once my workout was over.
I wasn't perfect. I wasn't some paid professional athlete. I was a new mom that made the decision to be healthy so I could be an active participant in my kids' lives. I didn't want to be the mom barely making it to the bench at the playground only to sit and bark orders to "Go!! Play!"at my kids. I wanted to be what I am today, the mom pushing the swings higher and higher, playing tag, or racing them to or from the car.
Now that I have three children (ages 6, 4, and almost 2) I do it all except at three times the speed. And I am loving every second!
I wholeheartedly believe if I can do it ANYONE can do it. You can love what you see in the mirror. You can enjoy shopping again. You can conquer the Late-night Munchie Demon! And I can help.
If you are ready to get started click the link below to sign up for free coaching. Also connect with me on Facebook or Twitter. Follow me on Instagram!
Until next time...
Stay Focused!

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