Friday, January 8, 2016

The Juicing Craze and how to incorporate it into your routine without breaking the bank.

Here is the skinny on juicing responsibly. If you are like me the thought of juicing can be daunting because of the cost. Next, you have to consider taste... what if you HATE the juice???
What are the best combinations? How do you know  what works? And what are the benefits, really?
It can be very confusing. My advice is stick to simple recipes you can feel comfortable with and try not to use more than three items total. Go with a ratio of 2 fruit to 1 veggie.
Some simple recipes can be:
2 apples
1 orange
1 handful of spinach or leafy green of choice.
This juice will be sweet and easy on the palate.
You may also like this one
1 cup pineapple 
1 orange
10 whole carrots
Again taste will be pleasing to your new palate and it will help you to incorporate juicing into your life without a lot of strenuous changes. The key to becoming healthier is starting small and keeping it simple.
This is YOUR journey and life. You are only in competition with yourself. So don't make it so hard. Eat normally and add a juice or two here and there until you get the hang of it. No one is watching 24/7. You can make a simple and easy recipe and still be an avid juicer. No pressure necessary.
Also, an easy way to make juicing more economical is to add 1 cucumber into each recipe. They juice very well and will stretch your juice without changing the taste very much. You may taste it but it will add a melon taste. Kind of like watermelon. Cucumber is very mild and tends to take on the flavor of the other ingredients.
Fresh juices are very perishable and do not last long, even in the refrigerator. Most of the experienced juicers say not to drink it if you have had it longer than 3 days. You will be able to tell whether or not it is safe to drink. The smell alone in most cases will be a very good indicator.
Tonight I began my juice fast or juice feast depending on what school of thought you ascribe to. Personally I call is a juice fast because that is how it was introduced to me in the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. If you have not seen it... is a MUST SEE. Below I show a video of what I juiced tonight. I wasn't talking because I don't have a voice thanks to a cold or whatever this is. And so you know, I am still juicing because I believe that if I cut out the bad and saturate my body with an insane concentration of good nutrient dense foods this cold will disappear as quickly as it came. I will keep you posted for sure. I am also documenting my juice experience on Youtube. I cannot promise I will be  posting daily yet but you will have consistent updates throughout my journey.
If you found this blog helpful, have a favorite recipe to share, or if you are joining me in this juicing adventure please leave a comment below. I would LOVE to hear from you. You can also connect with me via Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin.
Until next time...
Stay focused!
Tonight's recipe:
1 beet root
2 peeled oranges
1/2 peeled lemon
2 handfuls spinach
10 carrots
1 cucumber
Chill and enjoy!

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