Friday, February 12, 2016

Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear," My great gramps and many others.

Yesterday was interesting. I had a small event happen and that rocked my emotions and it took a moment for me to recover. I'm not fully over it yet but I am so much better than I was.

I went on Instagram and noticed a woman liked my post and then started following me. Well, I'm a follow for follow kind of girl unless you're trying to spam me. So I went to her Instagram page and saw that she had recently been on the same journey I am. Or so she posted.

She had a link that directed me to her blog and upon reading her blog I found out that she took Forskolin, improved her eating habits, and worked out. These steps helped her lose 60 pounds in 10 weeks.  Or so she posted. I was skeptical because that is a ton of weight to lose per week consistently without hitting a plateau. But I googled the Forskolin and sure enough, it is supposed to help with fast fat loss. So I thought I would order the free trial. Why not, right? After all, I am human and this road is tough. I will take any healthy help I can get.

Upon returning to her blog today I discovered the same, exact, verbatim post but the supplement had been changed. Now she is promoting Pure Carallum Extract. Now I several red flags have been raised. Now I believe she is a liar. She says she was called cute names for fat kids as a youngster, she felt she wanted to lose weight and get the body she deserved, etc....etc... blah blah blah...

Now I am sitting at my computer like what a liar.
But this is the Internet so you really can't believe much of that you read. There are a few people that still believe in helping people. I am just using this as a means to share my experience with this weight loss journey. I say when you are reading blogs, surfing Instagram, or Facebook, or watching YouTube or Periscope.. do your due diligence. Research everything you are being told. Make sure you are not being lied to. Because apparently... people are not above it when it comes to taking your money.

Until Next Post...

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